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Ermidin Capsules

60 Vegetarian Capsules
Reliable protection against helminthes
Sattva Ermidin capsules is a potent helminthicid which formula contains a unique combination of herbs well known for its antihelminthic properties. It acts against the intestinal and tissue parasites. Eliminates adult worms, its eggs and larvae.

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Livarex Capsules

60 Vegetarian Capsules
Natural hepatoprotector
Sattva Livarex Capsules is a complex formula prepared after the classic Ayurvedic recipe. Designed to protect the liver from infections and inflammation. It is useful for infectious hepatitis, fatty liver, chronic cholecystitis, and a large number of other liver diseases. Eliminates toxins from the tissues and used to treat inflammation as well as infection. Purifies the blood, relieves inflammation in the gallbladder and pancreas.

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Аро Плюс

60 вегетарианские капсулы
Препарат для нормального функционирования печени и желчного пузыря, правильного пищеварения и состояния здоровья организма в целом. Гепатопротектор с мягким желчегонным действием. Эффективное средство при гепатите, желтухе, застое желчи, желчекаменной болезни, циррозе печени, для восстановления после перенесенного гепатита. Имеет выраженное противовоспалительное действие.

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Normaxin Capsules

60 Vegetarian Capsules
Натуральное послабляющее средство. Идеально подходит для лечения запоров. Мягко очищает и обеззараживает систему пищеварения, поддерживает регулярность стула. Активизирует кишечник, снимает случайные запоры. Полезен при ожирении и повышенном уровне холестерина. Эффективно устраняет расстройства кишечника, метеоризм, боли в животе, чувство тяжести и тошноту.

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Skin Tone Capsules

60 Vegetarian Capsules
Natural protection of body against infections
Sattva Skin Tone Capsules is a complex Ayurvedic supplement aimed to suppress a wide variety of pathogenic viruses and bacteria that enter the body through the blood, respiratory tract, skin, mucosa and food. It prevents the growth of bacteria, as well as its further penetration into the cardiovascular system, helps to detoxify the body and effectively cleanses the blood, thus preventing the development of infectious diseases.

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Neem Forte Capsules

60 Vegetarian Capsules
Ayurvedic formula to detoxify the body
Sattva Neem Forte Capsules is the one of the most powerful ayurvedic remedies to detox and to purify the blood. It has strong antipyretic, and natural antibiotic and antiseptic action. Effective treatment for skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, abrasions, eczema, hives. Recommended as a treatment for heart diseases and circulation problems, as well as hypertension and complex cleansing therapy and weight loss. Improves the condition of the vessels, due to its property to reduce the blood cholesterol prevents the development of atherosclerosis and improves the condition of the blood vessels.

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