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Nowadays it is difficult to find someone who would not have to use the medicinal preparations in capsules.
Capsules - special containers of gelatinous mass to contain different doses of drugs.
The first gelatin capsules have been proposed in the 30-ies of the last century in France and have spread in pharmacy practice, and then - in the industrial production of drugs.
A disadvantage of gelatin capsules is their high sensitivity to moisture. It requires compliance with certain conditions of their storage. Another disadvantage of gelatin capsules - a perfect breeding ground for microorganisms - prevents adding to the weight of preservatives: nipagina, nipazol and sorbic acid.
Consistency capsules depends on three basic components: gelatin, glycerol and water.
Use of gelatin in the manufacture of capsules is based on the ability of its aqueous solutions to form a solid gel. Gelatine is obtained from collagen of different materials - bone, cartilage, tendons, cattle and pig skin.
In the world there are a large number of people who cannot consume drugs in gelatin capsules. One of the most obvious advantages of using vegetarian capsules is that they are not made with animal byproducts. This distinct characteristic allows them to be suitable for individuals who are Vegetarians. Vegetarian capsules in addition to being both the obvious choice for both vegetarian and vegan consumers are also more acceptable for religious reasons as well. In fact, vegetarian capsules are often deemed suitable to be classified as both Kosher and Halal products.
Additionally, vegetarian capsules have no known potential health risks, even when consumed in a long term scenario as they are 100% natural and nontoxic.
More and more people are turning to a healthy lifestyle. More and more people are using Ayurvedic drugs to restore their health.
Ayurvedic drugs in gelatin capsules are not a vegetarian product.