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In Ayurveda treatment consists of four basic forms, namely - medicine or drug therapy, detoxification therapy- Panchakarma , dietary regime and regulation of lifestyle, and works in two fundamental ways – Prevention and Cure.


The preventive aspect of treatment is further subdivided into three parts.

  • swastha varta (personal hygiene) - consisting of dinacharya (daily routine), ritucharya (seasonal corrections) and sadachara (appropriate behaviour)
  • rasayana & vajikarana (rejuvenation & virlification);
  • yoga.


The curative aspect consists of three parts.

  • antati parimaijana (internal medicine) - consisting of samsodhana (internal purification through panchkarma) and samsamana (curative action) –
  • external medicine as massage, use of pastes & powders.
  • surgical treatment.


Panchakarma:- The deep cleansing process, unique to Ayurveda, that enables the body to release excess doshas and toxins from its cells and expel them is called Panchakarma, which basically denotes detoxification or elimination of toxins from the body. Although the human body is considered as a great, intelligent, natural healing system capable of rejuvenating itself, the formation of toxins reduces that natural capacity. It is then that Panchakarma plays a crucial role in that correction.